Nasdaq Stockholm’s listing committee has decided that Tobii Dynavox AB (“Tobii Dynavox” or the “Company”) fulfills the applicable listing requirements. Nasdaq Stockholm will approve an application for admission to trading of Tobii Dynavox’s ordinary shares on Nasdaq Stockholm subject to that certain customary conditions are fulfilled, amongst them that the Company submits such an application and that the distribution requirement is fulfilled. The first day of trading in Tobii Dynavox’s ordinary shares on Nasdaq Stockholm is expected to be 9 December 2021.
Admission of trading will take place subject to that certain customary conditions are fulfilled, amongst them that the Company submits an application and that the distribution requirement is fulfilled. The prospectus for admission to trading in the ordinary shares of Tobii Dynavox is expected to be published on or around 23 November 2021. The prospectus will be held available on Tobii AB’s and Tobii Dynavox’s websites, respectively.
Tobii AB (“Tobii”) held an extraordinary general meeting on 25 October 2021 on which the shareholders resolved to distribute all ordinary shares in Tobii Dynavox to the ordinary shareholders in Tobii. Tobii’s board of directors has, pursuant to the authorization granted by the extraordinary general meeting, determined the record date for the distribution of the shares in Tobii Dynavox to 7 December 2021. The last day of trading in Tobii’s shares including the right to receive shares in Tobii Dynavox is 3 December 2021. As of 6 December 2021, the shares of Tobii will be traded without the right to receive shares in Tobii Dynavox. The first day of trading in Tobii Dynavox is expected to be 9 December 2021. Tobii Dynavox’s ordinary shares will be traded under the ticker TDVOX.
The distribution ratio is 1:1, which means that one (1) ordinary share in Tobii entitles to one (1) ordinary share in Tobii Dynavox. Other than being registered as a shareholder in Tobii on the record date for distribution, no other actions need to be taken by shareholders to receive shares in Tobii Dynavox.
Timetable for distribution and listing of Tobii Dynavox on Nasdaq Stockholm:
23 November 2021: Publication of prospectus
30 November 2021: Capital market day for investors, analysts and media
3 December 2021: Last day of trading in the ordinary shares of Tobii including the right to receive ordinary shares in Tobii Dynavox.
6 December 2021: Tobii’s ordinary shares are traded without the right to receive shares in Tobii Dynavox.
7 December 2021: Record date for distribution of ordinary shares in Tobii Dynavox.
9 December 2021: Estimated first day of trading in Tobii Dynavox’s ordinary shares
Elisabeth Manzi
Corporate Communications Director
Linda Tybring
Dynavox Group AB (publ) is the parent company for Tobii Dynavox, the global leader in assistive communication. Headquartered in Stockholm, and listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (DYVOX), Dynavox Group, together with its brands has over 800 employees and serves customers in 65+ countries. Tobii Dynavox’s custom designed solutions enable people with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, ALS, autism and spinal cord injury to communicate with a voice of their own, develop literacy skills and live more independently. To date, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have benefited from our integrated solutions, which include hardware, software, clinically developed language systems, mounting solutions, training, and dedicated support. We offer extensive funding expertise to facilitate funding for as many people as possible. As voice and motor impairments are common among our users, our solutions are accessed via alternative methods, such as eye gaze or touch screen. Using AI-based speech synthesis, we offer users a personalized voice identity in over 30 languages, for children and adults.
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