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Our audience

Our audience

Customer landscape

Our customer landscape is made up of four dynamically interacting groups. Understanding and meeting the needs of each of these groups is critical to our continued success.


This group includes the people who prescribe and recommend our solutions. Prescribers are the speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, or other professionals who identify the need for an assistive communication solution and recommend or prescribe the solution that meets the requirements of the individual. This group is often involved in preparing the documentation to obtain funding from private or public payers for the person who will use the assistive communication solution.


This group comprises first and foremost the individuals who need and use our assistive communication solutions. By giving them a voice, we empower each person to do what they once did, or never thought possible. Alongside the users, are their care circle, which includes friends, family, and caregivers, who help users make the most of their assistive communication solution.


Most of our users require some form of financial support to access an assistive communication solution. Funding is generally provided through public sources or private payers, such as insurance companies. The process of obtaining funding can be complex and it can be difficult for prescribers, users, and the user’s care circle to understand all the requirements.


There are a wide range of groups and people who influence our customer landscape. Among these are groups representing the interests of people with different conditions and disabilities, industry associations and key opinion leaders.

SLP with Brock running in the corridor