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June 23, 2022

Tobii Dynavox acquires ASK in Denmark

Tobii Dynavox, the world leader in assistive technology for communication, has agreed to acquire all business activities and assets of its reselling partner ASK in Denmark, effective July 1. The acquisition brings Tobii Dynavox closer to its customers in the Danish market, supporting people with communication disabilities more effectively. 

ASK is a supplier of assistive technology products and services to customers in Denmark, including municipalities, schools, communication centers, care centers and other institutions. The Tobii Dynavox solutions comprise the majority of ASK’s revenue of some DKK 5.5-8.5m per year, as the companies have a long-standing partnership in the Danish market. Tobii Dynavox pays the seller DKK 5.2m in cash.  

The significant addition of resources and competence from Tobii Dynavox will enhance service and training quality for Danish customers, making processes more effective and shorten the customer feedback loop.  

“By including ASK in the Tobii Dynavox family and adopting similar ways of working that we already use successfully in Sweden and Norway, we will be able to work closer together with our Danish customers, supporting them even more effectively,” said Nils Normell, President, Market unit EUROW at Tobii Dynavox. “I am impressed by the commitment and high level of service that ASK has offered to their Danish customers, which we will continue to build on. We look forward to empowering more people with disabilities in Denmark with a voice and the ability to lead a more independent life.” 

ASK’s CEO, Robin Bredel, has decided to step down to pursue other ambitions outside the company, handing over his responsibilities to the existing ASK and Tobii Dynavox team in Denmark . which will also be further expanded. 

“I’ve considered stepping down for a long time, and I am very happy that the opportunity came at a time when I can trust that my customers will receive a high quality of service,” said Robin Bredel. “With the support from Tobii Dynavox, Danish customers and users can rest assured that they will have access to the very best local support and top-of-the-line, user-friendly solutions.” 

This is the third acquisition that Tobii Dynavox completes in 2022, including the previously communicated acquisitions of Acapela Group and Safe Care Technologies. These acquisitions are in line with Tobii Dynavox’s growth strategy to complement our organic growth with strategic acquisitions. 


Dynavox Group AB (publ) is the parent company for Tobii Dynavox, the global leader in assistive communication. Headquartered in Stockholm, and listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (DYVOX), Dynavox Group, together with its brands has over 700 employees and serves customers in 65+ countries. Tobii Dynavox’s custom designed solutions enable people with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, ALS, autism and spinal cord injury to communicate with a voice of their own, develop literacy skills and live more independently. To date, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have benefited from our integrated solutions, which include hardware, software, clinically developed language systems, mounting solutions, training, and dedicated support. We offer extensive funding expertise to facilitate funding for as many people as possible. As voice and motor impairments are common among our users, our solutions are accessed via alternative methods, such as eye gaze or touch screen. Using AI-based speech synthesis, we offer users a personalized voice identity in over 30 languages, for children and adults.