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November 30, 2021

Tobii´s Capital Markets Day 2021 - Two leading companies in strong growth industries

Tobii is today hosting its Capital Markets Day 2021 at Helio GT30 in Stockholm. Presentations by senior management will outline the unique qualities of both Tobii remainco and Tobii Dynavox, provide an overview of the growing markets and show you why both these companies are going to change the world. Tobii remainco announced its target to reach SEK 1.5 bn in revenue in 2025 and achieve EBIT break-even during 2023. 

Starting December 9, 2021, Tobii remainco and Tobii Dynavox will trade as separate companies on Nasdaq Stockholm. As standalone companies, thanks to organizations that will be more focused, empowered and agile, both entities have the potential to further accelerate the long-term business growth and success, and hence create substantial shareholder value. 

“I am very excited about the outlook for Tobii Dynavox as a stand-alone company and our continued quest to empower people with disabilities to do what they once did, or never thought possible," said Fredrik Ruben, CEO of Tobii Dynavox. "Our market is significantly underserved. Globally, around 50 million individuals need communication aids to interact effectively, but only 2% of people diagnosed get access to communications aids due to low awareness and lack of funding infrastructure." 

“We are now embarking on the next phase of Tobii with an expanded ambition to be both the global leader in eye tracking and the pioneer in attention computing.”, said Anand Srivatsa, intended CEO of Tobii AB. “Eye tracking and attention computing are powerful enabling technologies that will catalyze disruption and innovation in a broad range of application areas. We have been investing diligently in building a great team, achieving technology leadership and in establishing world leading positions in multiple markets. Tobii is now poised to achieve a sustained period of faster than historical growth.” 

Financial targets and financial position for Tobii remainco 

Tobii remainco today announced its target to reach SEK 1.5 bn in revenue in 2025, and to reach EBIT break-even during 2023. 

During October and November, Tobii has made several inter-company transactions, repaid its bond loan and completed a share issue mainly to finance recently made acquisitions. On a pro-forma basis, adjusted for these transactions, Tobii remainco’s net cash position as of September 30, 2021, would have been SEK 467 million, excl. IFRS 16 liabilities. 

Program for the Capital Markets Day 2021 (CET) 

Presentations will start 9:30 a.m. CET with Tobii Dynavox presenting its business. Starting 1:30 p.m. CET Tobii remainco will present, ending no later than 4:30 p.m. CET. Both sessions will include Q&A sessions. 

Link to the live stream 

All presentations from the Capital Markets Day will be streamed live on the following link ( It will be possible to ask written questions in the Q&A function on the stream. 


Dynavox Group AB (publ) is the parent company for Tobii Dynavox, the global leader in assistive communication. Headquartered in Stockholm, and listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (DYVOX), Dynavox Group, together with its brands has over 800 employees and serves customers in 65+ countries. Tobii Dynavox’s custom designed solutions enable people with disabilities such as cerebral palsy, ALS, autism and spinal cord injury to communicate with a voice of their own, develop literacy skills and live more independently. To date, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have benefited from our integrated solutions, which include hardware, software, clinically developed language systems, mounting solutions, training, and dedicated support. We offer extensive funding expertise to facilitate funding for as many people as possible. As voice and motor impairments are common among our users, our solutions are accessed via alternative methods, such as eye gaze or touch screen. Using AI-based speech synthesis, we offer users a personalized voice identity in over 30 languages, for children and adults.